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Channel Partner Incentives

The importance of digital connection to one’s channel partners is greater now than it has ever been. What we once knew of in-person meetings and discussions have been moved to online Zoom calls and WebEx conversations exclusively, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With a current forecast of uncertainty for the future, the ability to digitally engage our channels as they work from home is essential. Our goal of motivating our channel partners has remained the same, although the means by which we do this must be Digital!

Double Down on Digital

Utilizing a digital platform for a Channel Incentive Program will make all the difference in the digitally transformed era we have entered as a result of COVID-19. The ability to access this online platform from remote provides a unique connection to your channel partners with Personal Account, Goal Measurement Gauge, Educational Narratives, Quizzes, Surveys, Accelerator Offers and Urgency Calendar. Maintaining a digital business dialogue while providing an engaging personal experience for your channel partners is crucial. Recognizing your partners, demonstrating empathy and motivating them to continue working hard during these uncertain times is essential to the recovery of your business post COVID-19.

Big Dip in the Big Trip

Although COVID-19 has eliminated Group Travel rewards that are commonly offered in Channel Incentive Programs, individual merchandise rewards have soared in popularity. Camping equipment for “stay-cations”, electronics such as Apple Airpod’s, and Kitchen Appliances have become hugely successful during the COVID digital era. The option to let the participants choose their own rewards, whether they be physical items or trips planned in a post COVID-19 era, is of the utmost importance for the success of your Channel Loyalty Program. The choice drives delight amongst your channel partners.


Many businesses have seen it necessary to cut fixed Marketing Costs. However, maintaining this Channel relationship through a pay-for-performance incentive program with your participants makes more sense now than  ever.  By only paying out participants for added revenue and margin…after it occurs…you are ensuring motivation amongst them in the most financially responsible manner.  A customer referral program also follows this model, as per this quote from one our successful client programs: ” Motivating participants to invite other prospective customers/dealers into the program allows us to drive incremental revenue and profit, with incentive earnings issued after this new business has been received. This feature aligns completely with our pay for performance model.”

Build a Customer Community

Your Channel Incentive Program can provide your participants with the very thing that COVID has taken away from us…Community. While we communicate with one another each day and keep in touch via Zoom calls and e-mail chains, the sense of togetherness has evaded us entirely due to COVID-19. Your Incentive Program not only provides the means of communicating gratitude to your participants for their hard work, but also motivates them to continue to be Champions of your brand, even if it is from their dining room instead of their Company office.

Industry Leading Channel Incentive Platform

InGauge Channel Loyalty Software